Wednesday 3 April 2013

My dearest students,

I hope you will click on the link I've done for you in this blog. Be strong to learn things you think you cannot do. I do believe that your hard work will fruitful. Enjoy doing your work as students and learn something from it. It will make you become more mature and more experience. Be positive to perceive things.

This link is to help you read the synopsis of the novel by chapters. I hope it would be able to help you understand the story easily.

 I intentionally post this original novel of the Around the World in 80 days so it will bring a lot of benefits to those who like reading. read read read.....

Monday 21 May 2012


Mdm. Dzella
I wish I’ll be there
to say how I thank you
for being my guidance to explore
the immense space of the knowledge

I wish I’ll be there
To say how I appreciate you
For being my eyes to see the truth
When you ask me to open the secret window of wisdom
Which I never knew hidden behind my naïve and ignorant

I wish I’ll be there
To say how I glad to tell you
That now, poem could be my cup of tea
For you show me that tea is actually sweet and delicious
When it is mixed with sugar or with creamy fresh milk from diary

I wish I’ll be there
To say that I will go home with the greatest joy
For the seeds of knowledge  you’ve already given on my hand
I promise they will grow in good soil in my heart and will be fruitful forever

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
Very much
Mdm Dzella
For your
Help and
Saria (j38828) Limpot
Bachelor Education (TESL) 2012


1. Think of at least 3 benefits of using speeches by famous figures, in the classroom.
i.                    inject motivation among students that their dream can be realized too.
ii.                  Students could be able to find their good role- model
iii.                 Students listen to an authentic materials which enable them to learn what happened, what is happening and what will happen. It is important to make them alert and observance

2. Go to and find the audio-visual on the speech. In not less than 50 words, state would the audio-visual be of any use in helping understand the speech better? State your reasons.

     The use of audio-visual will enable students to understand a speech better. I will discuss
How body language, gesture and tone of  a speaker will help students to understand the meaning better. Body language in a speech is movement of a speaker which is synchronized with the words use in a speech. As an example when a speaker says the  word, ‘I’, s/he may touch his palm on her/his chest.   in a way to thank God, a speaker may spread her/his hand out to sky . Bow down to show respect. Gesture is also will help a speaker to deliver his/her emotions to the audiences. Martin shows his courage and determination in his gesture. The last one is tone. Tone is the up and down of the speaker voice in her/his speech. Tone of a speaker also can deliver his true massage. In Martin Luther King ‘s speech, his tone is passionate and persuasive.

3. Who is Martin Luther King?

      Martin Luther King (January 15, 1929-April 4, 1968 is an American Clergyman, activist and
      Prominent leader of  the  African-American Civil Rights Movement. He fights for the civil
      right  in America and around the world. The most important is he leads his people to fight for
      justice in peace way or  without violence. 

4. Based on the questions below, analyse the features of the given written speech:
a. What is the purpose of the speech?
     To invite all the black people and white people to unite against the 
     racism not in the violence way but in the peace way.

b. What is the tone of the speech?
    Passionate and persuasive. He does not criticize the white men for being cruel to  
   negro in the past, before the speech is made. He tries to persuade
   the audiences to unite to gain freedom with  white people  who share same
   mind with them. He keeps on repeating that he and his audiences share the 
   same dream-wanting for equal right with white man and to free
   them from being enslaved.

c. What interesting major feature(s) can you see from the speech?

 (i.e.Repetition of phrases,  emphasis on certain things said etc)

                                        I Have a Dream - Speech Text - Martin Luther King Jr                                                   This feature show how certain words is repeated in the speech of Martin Luther King

             ( )
Repetition- repetition is made to always remind his audiences of the theme of the speech and what they should do to achieve the goal that is to gain freedom without using violence. It is also to show that his struggle is the concern of every black people.

one thing that is valuable as a teacher is the way he visualizes the abstract things by using comparison  so people may understand his speech. In the classroom we can use this technique to scaffold students to understand something that is hard to them to understand. Below are the examples on how he explain that  he talks something very important for their future by doing comparison.

 Justice is actually already there for a long time but it is not use by people who may concern.

"But we refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt. We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds in the great vaults of opportunity of this nation. So we have come to cash this check -- a check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice."

"Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood."  In this sentence he tries to compare what is happening to what what kind of thing suppose to be.

d. Any interesting facts that you can gather based on the background of the speech?
      i.                    “I Have a Dream” is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s most memorable speech. It was 
                 delivered in  August 28, 1963 . It is attended by more than 200,000 people in front 
                 of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. The intention was to gain equal right 
                 from white people.
ii.                  The Negro people position in the white society is inferior. They are not allowed to mingle with the white people or share public amenities, hospital treatment and right to vote for their government leaders.
iii.                King mastered both American History and the Holy Scripture(Bible) Made his speech very ethical 

5. Suggest a while-reading activity that can be derived from this particular speech.

       CIA on duty ( group activity)

Students are assigned into 5 groups. I group consist of 5 students. They are called CIA agent. They are required to listen once again the speech of Martin Luther. Their task is to figure out the massages that Martin tries to deliver to the black people. As CIAs, they should be able to predict what would the black people do after the speech. Based on their prediction, what action they can plan to prevent any negative thing to happen.


Sunday 20 May 2012


Nelson Mandela

Rolihalah by black
Nelson by white
A shining star in  the House of Madiba

His steadfastness is like a rock
will not be moved by strong wind and strong wave of the sea
he dislikes walls for races and colours
for he is a person of equality lover

He is a hero of the Madiba
Fighter for the black
Of  his boutiques dress shows us his stand:
to look  not at one colour but colours of people
For we are the people of this earth

Johannesburg Fort  AND  Robben Island cells
Witnesses of his perseverance and fearlessness
To say NO to the Apartheid
Never stop
never restrain
to fight for justice

worthful  is his fight
for the  Truth finally prevailed
abides  in the heart of every human being
he stands in front of the line
as leader and symbol of justice
and for the people trust him
to lead them to the land of change

thank you
Rolihalah Nelson Mandela
to show people of the earth
the way to live with

Thursday 17 May 2012


Do we have a canon for Malaysian literary works? Let's say we do, who do you think are in it? Consider the fact that their works are well-known and most importantly included as part of the school syllabus- (both in BM and English)

Below are list of books which I think fulfil the requirement as canon literary by Malaysian authors. They are used as literary texts in schools of Malaysia.

A. novels and dramas

1) The Curse by Lee Su Ann
2) Jungle of Hope by Keris Mas

3)Jeruji Kasih by Ramlah Abd Rashid
4) Dongeng Sang Puteri by Wan Ahmad Ismail

B. Poems
1) Si Tanggang homecoming by Muhammad Haji Salleh
2)Monsoon History by Shirley Geok
3) The fighter's line by Marzuki Ali
4)In The midst of Hardship by Latif Mohidin   

The poems by Erica Jong raises some feminist issues. What are they?
I will discuss this question based on  a poem of Erica to answer this question.

        For my husband by Erica Jong

As a woman writer, she is  not  abode in a specific arranged time to finish her work.  A writer may    withdraw  into solitude time in a way to obtain an outstanding piece of thought. She feels contented of her husband’s understanding of her job. Despite  her sound of her type writer, in her late night work, he still can sleep well. With that she is not enslaved in a relationship called ‘marriage’.

Feminist issues
a.      A woman deserves her husband’s understanding.
b.     Female works are more appreciated and accepted in this era compare to previous century, mostly in 19 century.
c.      A woman too, like a man tends to compare her pair with other man. She attracted to a man who will to understand her needs.(stanza 2 of the poem)

Suitabality as teaching source in class

a.       As we should consider of students’ capability in understanding the subject matter we are going to discuss in class, the poem entitled For My Husband is not suitable to be brought as teaching source in lower form classes. In detail, they still too naive to understand the world of marriage. For the upper form classes the poem  is very important to educate both girls and boys students that they supposedly to find pairs who will to understand their  needs. Otherwise, they would be going through an unhappy marriage.

       Becoming a woman by Hillary Tham
Persona experiences in her first time menstrual process. She becomes depressed by the process until her grandmother assures her that the process is actually a normal process which all women go through. Her grandmother educates her that menstrual process indicates a woman maturity as a woman.

Feminist issues

a.      A female goes through a menstrual process for puberty which different to male
b.     Close relationship between a mother and a daughter is very important to

Suitability as teaching source

Puberty process is studied in science subject, even in the lower form. This issue is not a new issue to students. In the teaching and learning process, a teacher could be able to get more feedback  from students based on the topic they have learned from science subject. In this case, you should check of their previous knowledge before choosing this poem as a teaching material. Other thing that a teacher may add in this lesson is students’ openness in learning the such issue.

Do you think they are suitable to teach at the secondary school level? Explain.

As mentioned above, the suitability of a source or material used in class would depend on students’ background and maturity. In detail, students should be able to understand   subject matters we bring in class.  Sometimes sensitivity of the local also should be taken into our account. Finally teacher’s discretion is very important. You can choose any material you like as long as you reasons is widely acceptable.

Is Hillary Tham's poem more suitable?

I see two different experiences when we teach the poems by Hillary Tham and the poems by Erica Jong. For example, the poem “Becoming a woman” by Tham and “For my Husband” by Jong will both beneficial students in different way. In “Becoming a woman by Hillary Tham” may educate our students with the female puberty while the later which is suitable for the upper secondary, may teach our students on what to do before they choose a partner/husband in the future. Both are suitable to the different ages of students.

The short tale from the Native American group is about a girl who is unsatisfied with her life. How is this a universal experience? Can it teach our students anything?

Moral: Dissatisfaction motivates someone to move towards perfection.
In the ancient time, marriage was the lavish of a woman’s life. Having a perfect husband could be a great of success which will make someone feels satisfy. The girl in the story symbolized person who dares to take risk in a way to have a perfect life. In this modern day, satisfaction has been measured in relation to economic standing, erudite and expert.

As students, satisfaction should be put in a high rank. Do not satisfy with the average marks but try to achieve the excellent one. If students feel satisfy with their average mark, they will not be motivated to do hard work. They should realize that, there is no fast track to achieve success but to perform  a great  effort. 

From your findings about his background, tell me about the dilemma he conveys through the poem CROSS.
His dilemma in “cross” is his identity for being neither white nor black.
He is a son of mix races of black and white people.

I find "Dinner Guest: Me" laden with irony and sarcasm. Briefly state if you feel the same.
I do agree that there are irony and sarcasm in this poem.
The irony part is when white people outwardly accept the concept of equality in their civil-right to the black but still the questions “why” and “wherewithal” are asked. “Why” could mean on why should the black people ask for equality and “wherewithal” could mean with which to do to make the black  people  will satisfy with their position compare to the white people.
The sarcasm part is when the poet says in the democratic country, the only thing he can enjoy with is the delicious meal served but not the way he is treated as black people among the white people.

The experience in the poem Harlem is one that is true for many people. Do you agree?

Yes. I think everybody has a dream to fight for. It could not be achieve in an easy way for there are many obstacles to overcome. Even a 5-year-old boy has his own dream. It could be a dream of having a bicycle with his favourite colour. The obstacle is how long is a wait until his parent can grant his wish.

Langston Hughes fights for the voice of his people. What is the movement called?

Civil Right Movement.