Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Research Paper- Feminism


Title: Female retaliation for man’s betrayal and possessiveness as reflected in the work of Kate Chopin in the story of an Hour, William Faulkner in the Rose for Emily and Roald Dahl in the Lamb to Slaughter.
1.0  Introduction
To go with my research paper, I choose 3 stories by different authors. They are Lamb of the Slaughter by Roald Dahl, A story of an Hour by Kate Chopin and Rose for Emily by William Faulkner. In this research paper I try to look at female retaliation for man’s betrayal and possessiveness as reflected in the work of Kate Chopin in the story of an Hour, William Faulkner in the Rose for Emily and Roald Dahl in the Lamb to Slaughter.
1.1  Why I choose these 3 stories
I choose the stories above for the main characters of all the short stories are females. The antagonists of all the stories mentioned are male. The relationships between the protagonists and the antagonists in the stories above are lovers and also husband and wife. The relationships touch on the man’s superiority toward female. Thus, man’s opinion and act are more important and always the right one. My wonder is to see why the such thing does happen.
1.2  The significant of the research chosen
Nowadays, in the modern era, where gender equality is taken a good attention, still we can read and hear that they are some women still under the control of man, mainly when come to marriage part. Some husbands still have the full power to control their wives by telling them what to do and what not to do. In Malaysia, despite there are  many programs, plans and legislations to avoid this domestic issue, still, the number of victim keep on increasing. To prove, I let you to see the statistics reported by the Polis Diraja Malaysia in 2007 for two years: 2006- 3093 cases were reported as domestic issue against women and it increased to 3264 in year 2006. In this research,  I hope that society of the world could be able to open their mind widely to considerate and to accept  the equality between female and man . By then, no more woman becomes victim for man’s carnal desire.

Further, should female is treated abusively or violently, they know what to do. In the past, female is the subject to male’s act of cruelty. Female is not given space in the world as human being who has feelings and emotions. Female’s needs was not heard and listened by the superior one-The man. As they are inferior to the man’s superiority, female is not given right to determine their own life. They are given less opportunity to go out of their home such example to become worker to earn good salary like man. For example, American woman in 19 century such reflected in the short story of William Faulkner, Kate Chopin and Roald Dahl prove to us that woman does the household duties such cleaning, cooking and serve their husband submissively. They were described as often tired, oppressed and sickly because of their duty. Poorly, as female, despite their submission, appreciation from their pairs is hardly shown. Therefore, I hope through this research, female will open their mind to seek for hope and strength to claim  their right so they have good position in the future.

Other significant of this research paper is to alarm the male to be more understanding, caring and concern on female’s need. They should know that female’s needs is not subtle to understand and not harmless to anyone. It is also not to overthrow male’s position in  a society. What important is that female and male could be able to work together, take decision together and to face hardship together for they are equal in a way that they are just human being who have feelings and emotions. By seeing this equality, male could become more empathy  to female’s necessity.

In this research, I am interested to look at:
2.1  Female position before men in the 19 century society which make them retaliators
2.2  Female requisitions from society which are rejected which ignite their retaliation
2.3  How female retaliate in  a desperate  situations

3.1  Author 1 and his story
The first author is William Faulkner. I select his short story, “A Rose for Emily” which originally published in the April 30, 1930, issue of Forum. It was his first short story published in a major magazine. A slightly revised version was published in two collections of his short fiction, These 13 (1931) and Collected Stories (1950). It has been published in dozens of anthologies as well. “A Rose for Emily” is the story of an eccentric spinster, Emily Grierson. This female character is very secretive that she hides  the truth about her father who is abusive and her true relationship with her lover which is actually ended because her lover no longer wants her. She lives alone, depressive and oppressed because of irresponsible act of her farther and her lover.

3.2  Author 2 and her story
"The Story of An Hour" is a short story by Kate Chopin. The story was published in 1894, and it spans a one-hour span of time in the life of Mrs. Millard. She has a heart condition, which causes her sister and her husband's friend, Richard, to be extremely concern for they think the news may ruin her motivation to stay alive. In other hand, the news makes her very happy for she wants her husband’s death. The reason is that of her desire to not being enslaved by her husband anymore. In the story, Mrs. Mallard seems to be very oppressed because of the control and possessiveness that her husband put over her.
3.3  Author 3 and his story
The third author is Roald Dahl in the Lamb to the slaughter. This story is initially rejected by The New Yoker  but then published by Collier’s in 1953. The story is about a submissive wife, Mary Maloney to Mr. Patrick. She is pregnant of  Patrick’s child and happy with it. The situation changes when her husband tells her that he wants to leave her for another woman he love more. For being disappointed , she kills  her husband with a frozen leg of  lamb and then arranges an alibi.
4.0       Research point
Today’s women play a vital role. Her image has changed from that of a house wife to a useful person in almost all spheres. Women physical weakness is no longer a barrier in getting herself established in the modern world. It is no longer said, ‘behind every man’s success there is a women,’ but the new saying is that, “by the side of every man there is a women trying to succeed (http://www.merinews.com/article/)
I personally, attracted to the view  above because this is an important indicator that sometime ago female is not valued by our society but now, in the vice versa. This can be traced through the product of literary text written by writer some time ago. There are evidences showing that women in the past era felt being oppressed, deprived and controlled. Being no choices, they become dependent to men. Some women are hardly able to go through their days. Therefore, they are  forced  to act extremely harmful to the oppressor-the men. Using the three mentioned short stories before, this research paper, will deal with  feminist issues  where domestic violence and abuse could drive submissive women to act odd  and sometimes dangerous which hard to be understood by others who have not experience the same situation.
Before I go further to my issue, let me give you the description of the Domestic Violence. Domestic Violence  can take many forms, such as physical battering, psychological or emotional torture, and sexual abuse.          ( Gaayathri Prabakaran)
As I mentioned before, female has the low value to the society in the 19 century, specially before the world war 1 that they could be said as violated persons. This scenario happens when society has notion that man is the superior compare to the inferior female. As a result, women are marginalized, where they are not given opportunity to handle any important job in the government sector. Women are  confined in the walls of kitchen and in core of taking good care of children.  Men become bread earners. Other words, there are separation in women’s and men’s roles. This scenario is described in Roald Dahl short story.  The protagonist in the story is Mary Maloney, the wife of Mr. Patrick. She is described a docile person. All she can do is to perform as a good and submissive wife to her husband. She does house cores such as prepare him meal and make sure that his clothes ironed and ready to use. Her behaviour in the beginning of the story is docile and therefore socially acceptable. She is the willing and conscientious housewife that all women should be. She has no choice in the matter, for the western family structure helps to subordinate women causing them to be economically dependent. (Bressler). The same thing happens in the Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin. In Chopin’s short story, the protagonist is known as Mrs. Mallard. We are hardly able to know the name of the female character in the story for she is a married woman. The change of her name indicates that she has owned by someone. She no longer able to do freely what she likes but subjected to her husband’s permission. Men in this era believe that men should have more personal freedoms than women. This situation makes Mrs. Mallard’s life confined in her husband’s house. She feels like a doll which can be taken care and be dumped anytime. She wants freedom but she knows the consequences of her action will not be good to her. Otherwise, she should face the society’s accusation towards her as price of her desire. Here, we can see where the men’s superiority lies. In the Rose for Emily, we see that Emily’s life is prisoned by the act of men in her life. Her father never allowed Emily to go to any man of her own choice but his. When finally she meets a man that she can accept as a lover, after her father’s death, the man leaves her without any reason. Ultimately, she  lives alone in her house with Tobe, her slave. Consequently, loneliness becomes her. Anyway, the confinement has already been there for Emily since her father’s days. As woman, she cannot claim anything from a man who dumps her just like that. As a result, pain is there, in Emily’s heart which is caused by the men’s cruelty.
So far, we can see all three female characters in the three short stories above experience the disappointment caused by men. I consider it as abuse where it violating the women’s right as human being. We also can see that they cannot do anything to protect themselves from being violated because of the gender bias by the society during the time. The only thing they can do to retaliate toward the men’s violence is to act alone. One of the ways  is to put curse on their husbands. Beside the curse, they automatically declare to hate their husband which is religiously wrong. Mrs. Mallard in the story of an Hour always wants his husband’s death in a way of wanting freedom from his possessive attitude. In the Islam Religion as well as Christian, to put curse or to hate on someone are considered as Sin. The such action is as equal as killing people. This is because hatred can drive persons to act in the dangerous way such as killing people they hate so much. As reflection to this issue, I personally hope that there is place for them to give out their problem so they can act fairly to their husbands. Else, if they are valued as human being they may discuss to their husbands and work together to make their situation better.
In 19 century  also, we can see that there are  series of claims that female want so much from their society. They claim the independent values and opinion. They also protest the double standard that said men should have more personal freedom than women and also the equality between men and women. However, the series of their claims are of course not heard. They are safely kept in their mind. As a result, they become emotionally and spiritually abused. For examples, let us see the secretive Emily who shut herself down form society, Mrs Mallard who lost his spirit to live and Mary Maloney who depress too much for her husband leave her. My point is, we should open our mind that the change in their behaviour are caused by  men’s abusive manner. With that, we would be able to understand why the women in the era act oddly toward some things. Sometimes, people accuse them as insane for they are not understood by the society.
To trace back a history, in the late 1800's, a woman were still mostly  man's property. Marriage guaranteed the man “rights” the woman's body which often meant pregnancies which could be fatal for the woman. Women were not allowed to be passionate about any area of study because it was considered detrimental to the family and it was also believed that if a woman became too educated, her uterus would become dysfunctional (Radek, 2008). Therefore, Marriage is not a sharing of life where women and men may work together to overcome issues that may rise in a family. This scenario does happen to Mr. Mallad’s family. Mrs Mallard is the property of Mr. Mallard. Being property to Mr. Mallard, Mrs Mallard’s life has automatically buried. So, female want back  their own life. To get their desire, high cost is needed. It is the society’s negative perception that should be faced. As for Mary Maloney, she understands of her position in her family. Being no choice, as wife, she treats her husband well. However, because of the notion that married women are totally  the men’s property, women have no value at all. They could be left as men’s wish. Thus, we see how Mary is left alone even though she is pregnant which supposedly need Patrick’s care, in the Lamb to Slaughter. The same scenario happens in the Rose for Emily, where Emily is left alone by her lover makes her totally disturb and become rebellious, even though she is a loyal daughter to Mr. Grierson. One of Emily’s rebellious actions is her refusal to pay tax for town. She wants to be freed from all types of prisons in her life.
One more thing that apparently could be seen in the short stories that I have selected is the change in women’s characters’ emotion where they are drawn into totally depress caused by the dissatisfaction on men’s abusive manner. Being nowhere to go or to express their feelings, they are forced to act dangerously as to retaliate to men’s bad behaviour. Historically, this is a post-war era. Women movement is strengthened to claim their right in society so they can be given the gender equality. Women’s action against men’s bad treatment over them is more brave and aggressive. However not all the members of the society can accept this transformation’s  process. Some still stick to the old notion that women should abide in men’s rules. Besides, the economics bias still unable to support their movement. Women could not be able to earn money out of their job. Still many of their job is to do house cores. In the Rose for Emily, Emily is described as symbol of women’s act of liberation. She dares not to pay tax as required by authority of the town. However, being in the process of transformation into the liberal  women, they  still not strong enough to uphold their right. Men’s superiority is still on top of people’s mind. We can see this scenario when Mary is still dependent to her husband. After his husband’s confession of wanting to leave her, she does not know where to go. She becomes very tension. The tension  drives her to an action that she should not do at the first place. However, she cannot accept the truth that her husband betrays her despite of she has been very loyal and obedient wife to her husband. Consequently, she kills her husband with leg of a lamb. She knows she has acted brutally but she seems to be satisfied with her action. The same thing happens in the Rose for Emily. Female’s retaliates to men’s abusive manner. Emily cannot accept that Homer leaves her as Homer seems to be a man where she can rely on. Unexpectedly, he tries to leave her. To retaliate, she kills Homer. Some retaliation seems odd. There is an odd action of retaliation in the story of an hour. Even though Mrs. Mallard wants her husband’s death, she never plan or act aggressive to kill him. However, when she hears a news of his husband’s death, she overthrown with joy. She even cries of a joy. People around her never knew that his tear is the tear of joy. The similarity of the three stories in part is that of women are more expressive and more  brave to do what they think is right for them.
In conclusion, female’s retaliation for men’s betrayal and abusive action can be seen apparently  as reflected in the three chosen short stories mentioned above.
5.0  The importance of the research in the ESL context
1          Students can practice English from literary text.
Scher (1976) affirms that with students at the beginning and intermediate levels,
a teacher can use literary texts for “language practice, reading comprehension, and possible aesthetic appreciation” (Muyskens, 1983, p. 413). In contrast, with advanced students literary texts may be utilized for the “development of knowledge of world literature, practice in reading and discussing creative work, and the introduction of literary  concepts, genres, and terminologies—e g, recognition of figures of speech, levels of meaning, and other stylistic features” (p. 413). Moreover, students can gain insight into literature by gaining entrance to a world familiar or unfamiliar to them due to the cultural aspects of stories, and taking a voyage from the literary text to their own minds to find meanings for ideas, leading to critical thinking.

With the two ideas above, we can conclude that using literary text to teach English among students will bring great benefit to our students. Other thing that we can conclude from the two idea above is that both HEP and  LEP students can be taught English using literary text. However, we should be selective on the text we are going to use. The text  supposedly should be able to improve students skills in English as well as to educate them with suitable culture and moral values.

2.      Open the gate of discussion among students, mainly when discussion has no right
and  wrong which will promote good skills in speaking and communication.
The use of literary text in class also can open gate to students to discuss and to argue
things they may find in the text. Discussion on certain issue in the literary text could be able to enhance students’ skill in communication and speaking. For example we can conduct a debate to make our class more interesting and lively. Debates allow students to become more proficient in speaking, researching, reading, and writing skills, and they promote reasoning as well as communication skills. Fact-filled and passionate debates provide the incentive for students of all academic and socioeconomic levels to become engaged and to participate in the debate process. In addition, debates, both formal and informal, are a vehicle for students to express their opinions assertively in a respectful manner on a relevant issue or topic. Classroom debates also enable students to work cooperatively, brainstorm ideas, develop vocabulary and read to support an opinion. By conducting research, students are taking notes to summarize, to question, and to clarify information. Students are identifying the main idea, deleting less important information, collapsing, categorizing, and labeling information. Questioning allows students to explain and to explore additional facts for clarification purposes. These comprehension skills are essential for students to become competent readers and writers linking debates directly to the entire curriculum. ( http://www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/636)
Using literature as source to conduct a debate where there is no right and wrong educate students on the finding evidence for their claim. The example of topic that could be debated in class is should women be given equal right as men.

3.  Improve students’ level of proficiency.
Short stories allow a teacher to teach the four skills to all levels of language proficiency.Murdoch (2002) indicates that “short stories can, if selected and exploited appropriately, provide quality text content which will greatly enhance ELT courses  for learners at intermediate levels of proficiency” (p. 9). He explains why stories should be used to reinforce ELT by discussing activities instructors can create such as writing and acting out dialogues.  Also, Oster (1989) affirms that literature helps students to write more creatively (p. 85). A teacher can create a variety of writing activities to help students to develop their writing skills. They can ask students to write dialogues (Murdoch, 2002, p. 9) or more complex writing activities if students have reached a high level of language proficiency. For example, if a teacher bring to class “The Lamb to slaughter,” they can assign the following writing such as script writing.

4        value/lesson-  equal right of women in society. In school, boys and girls should respect to each other regardless of their gender for they are both have potential to feel being hurt.
As we already seen from the text, female, like male has equal feelings and emotions. Beside to promote the good of gender equality among students, we also can instil moral values using issue that grasped by the short stories.
 In teaching the language, moral values are also instilled in the same time. Using this short story would be able to give them apparent description of which bad and which good. In the lamb to Slaughter the moral implications of murder do not occur to her, nor does the narrative point out the complex feelings one might reasonably expect a woman to feel who has just killed her husband. On the other hand, her feelings about being abandoned by her husband are discussed In these short stories the moral values that can be given to students is  to do treatment regardless of their gender because both male and female have potential to feel being hurt.

In this research paper we look at women position in the post-war era. Their position is inferior to men’s superiority. To that, they marginalized in all type of work. Female dissatisfied of their position in the society, especially when come to the part of marriage.
In the beginning, being not dare to take any action, the only thing that they can do is to curse and to hate their husbands. However, this kind of action does not able to solve their problem.
In this research also I look at the women’s claim from a society. As seen in the texts and back to trace the history, we know that women’s claims is toward gender equality. Even though their objective is not totally achieved, there are  some effort to achieve it.
Finally, I also look at the women’s action in the desperate situation. From the text, we know that a female can act brutally or dangerously to show their protest.

3.      Barbara Welter. Dimity Convictions : the American Woman in the Nineteenth Century. Athens : Ohio University Press, 1976.
4.      Bressler, Charles E. Literary Critisicm: An introduction to Theory and Practice. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1999.
5.      Dahl, Roald “lamd to the Slaughter.” The Roald Dahl Omnibus, New York: barnes& Noble, 1993
6.      Showalter, Elaine.”Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness” Modern Criticism and Theory, Ed, David Lodge with Nigel Wood New York: Pearson Education, 2001.

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