Monday 30 April 2012

Journal entry-6

Lamb to the slaughter

Looking into the female character of the story-  Lamb to the Slaughter, makes us thinking of how small women are- be adored, be dumped, be taken and be trashed…It seem that there is nothing could be done about it! I am so thankful that I live in this era where there is space for women to make decision on what kind of life they want to lead to.
As seen in the story, one of the important themes of this story is the position of women in the society which is marginalized compare to men. This can be seen clearly when Patrick   abundant his pregnant wife. A wife who dependent to a husband can do nothing except to hope that her husband may change mind. Women cannot stand alone not because they are weak but the marginalization would not enable them to speak out, to find work and to make a decision freely. Mary knows that she cannot change his husband’s mind so she kills him. It is hard to take when a wife kills a husband but it is also hard to accept when a man just leave a wife for someone else.
The good about this story is that it can educate all the female to be independent in their life. Do not too much dependent  to a  husband. 

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